Transport and logistics companies of Turkmenistan are invited to participate in the international forum


Transport and logistics companies of Turkmenistan are invited to participate in the III International Forum “Transport Logistics of the Caspian Region 2024”, which will be held on April 23-25 in the city of Astrakhan.

As the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age” reports, the agenda of the forum will consider current issues of the Volga-Caspian transport and logistics ecosystem and the international transport corridor “North-South”.

Among the key issues of the forum’s business program in 2024: Caspian transport logistics in the context of transformation of international economic relations;

  • Caspian crossroads: advantages and features of transport routes to the main markets of Eurasia;
  • Export of agricultural products from Russia and the Caspian countries – a driver for the development of international transport corridors;
  • State and prospects of the water transport market;
  • Modernization of the port infrastructure of the Caspian and Volga.
  • Sources of investment in infrastructure and transport development projects in the Caspian region.

On the first day of the forum, participants will visit several cargo ports of Astrakhan and get acquainted with their infrastructure, capacities, operating practices and development plans.

Representatives of Turkmenistan have already taken part in two previous forums and made proposals to improve transport logistics in the Caspian region.

This year, the participants will include ports and terminals, stevedoring and logistics companies, forwarders and cargo owners, water, rail and road transport operators, exporters and importers, industry NGOs, banking, insurance and investment companies from the Caspian countries – Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan , Russia, Turkmenistan, as well as from other Eurasian countries, the source notes.

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