
A watch that survived Hiroshima was sold at auction


At a Boston auction organized by RR Auction, a unique wristwatch that witnessed the atomic bombing of Hiroshima was sold, reports with reference to AP News.

A small watch with a copper case froze at the moment of the explosion, recording the time at 8:15 am - a fateful hour for the Japanese city. Through the clouded glass you can see the hands, forever frozen in this terrible moment.

This artifact was found in the ruins of Hiroshima by a British soldier participating in a humanitarian mission to deliver aid and assess the destruction.

The name of the new owner of the watch, who purchased it for 31 113 USD, has not been disclosed.

“We very much hope that this museum-worthy exhibit will help the owner reflect on the lessons learned, remind him of the hardships of war and draw his attention to the impressive arsenals of weapons that humanity should never use. This wristwatch, in particular, commemorates the exact moment in time when history changed forever,” said Bobby Livingston, vice president of RR Auction.

In addition to the watches, other valuable lots were sold at the auction, including: “Little Red Book” by Mao Zedong with an autograph – 250 000 USD; check signed by George Washington (one of only two known checks he signed as President) - 135 473 USD; Apollo 11 Lunar Module Preparation Checklist owned by Buzz Aldrin - 76 533 USD.

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