
Production of gas, oil and other key goods increased in Turkmenistan in 2023


Last year, the production of key goods – gas, oil, etc. – increased in Turkmenistan. Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics D. Amanmuhammedov reported about this during an extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, TDH reports.

In particular, natural gas production amounted to 80,618.7 million cubic meters, oil production - 8 million 316.7 thousand tons. Compared to 2022, the production of petroleum bitumen is higher by 30.1%, liquefied gas - by 1.1%, kerosene - by 0.6%, sheet glass - by 15.6%, cement - by 0.8%, raw silk - by 17.1%, clothing and knitwear - by 8.9%, sausage products - by 7.7%, dairy products - by 1.7%, canned fruits and vegetables - by 5.5%, butter – by 6.8%.
Positive dynamics were noted in the transport industry, which was confirmed by an increase in cargo transportation volumes by 3.8%, and passenger transportation by 16.1%. The volume of communication services increased by 11.5%.

In the agro-industrial complex, the production of vegetable products increased by 9.4%, melons - by 4%, berries and fruits - by 1.1%, potatoes - by 5.5%, meat - by 0.8%.
According to the head of the State Statistics Committee, statistical data indicate the sustainable development of all key sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan. Work is underway to improve methods for collecting and analyzing information.

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