
The customs post "Gaudan" was awarded the title of the best in Turkmenistan based on the results of 2023


The customs post “Gaudan” of the Ashgabat city customs on the Turkmen-Iranian border was awarded the title of “Best customs post of 2023” following the results of a professional competition, reports the website of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan.

A competition of professional skills was held among customs posts and individual customs officers of Turkmenistan. The winner in each category was determined based on the results of testing and evaluation of work for 2023.

The Gaudan customs post, located on the Turkmen-Iranian border, was recognized as the best for its high performance in various areas of customs activities.

Both young specialists and experienced customs officers took part in the competition. The winners were awarded diplomas and valuable gifts during the State Awards ceremony on the occasion of Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

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