
The President of Turkmenistan instructed to accelerate the pace of seasonal agricultural work


The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to accelerate the pace of seasonal agricultural work and keep the focus on preparations for the upcoming sowing season during a working meeting on the digital system with the velayat hyakims and Deputy Prime Minister Tangryguly Atahalliyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, reports TDH.

As noted, in order to obtain a high wheat yield, work is being carried out in the grain fields in accordance with agrotechnical standards, and plowing and land leveling continue in the areas allocated for sowing cotton.

At cotton ginning enterprises, seed procurement continues by processing raw materials in order to provide cotton growers with high-quality seeds.

Preparations for the spring sowing season are proceeding at the planned pace, in particular, agricultural machinery and equipment, and the cultivation of land allocated for planting potatoes and vegetable and melon crops.

Having heard the report and emphasizing the need for high-quality field work in accordance with agrotechnical standards and schedule, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep the focus on preparing areas for cotton and high-quality seed material for the upcoming season. At the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister was instructed to keep under control compliance with agricultural technology requirements when caring for wheat, cultivating land for planting potatoes and other vegetable and melon crops, as well as providing farmers with seeds.

Addressing the heads of velayat administrations, the head of state emphasized the importance of fulfilling the tasks defined in the National Rural Program for the current year, maintaining uninterrupted electricity, gas and water supplies to the population, ordering to keep these issues under review.

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