
The Agricultural University of Turkmenistan actively participates in international projects


The Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov takes an active part in distance training courses organized as part of the implementation of international projects. University teacher Orazmuhammet Durdyev writes about this in a commentary for the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper.

In particular, the university successfully implements targeted programs in the field of international cooperation and digitalization of the educational process.

As a coordinator among Turkmen universities under the Erasmus+ EU NICOPA and GEOCLIC programs, the university actively promotes the development of international partnerships and advanced training of teachers.

Last year, teachers from the Turkmen Agricultural University took part in the GEOCLIC seminar in Berlin. Early this year they attended the final GEOCLIC conference at the Kazakh National University. al-Farabi. Colleagues from universities in Europe, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan acted as partners of Turkmen universities.

In January, classes were also held on the development of international educational projects and innovations in teaching. Particular attention was paid to the retraining of specialists in environmental design, modeling of environmental processes and other modern areas.

Thanks to the dynamic development of international cooperation, the S.A. Niyazov University not only trains specialists in the field of agriculture according to world standards, but also contributes to the integration of Turkmen higher education into the global educational space.

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