
Turkmenistan and Türkiye discussed the possibility of supplying Turkmen gas through Iran


During the 7th meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Turkish Commission on Economic Cooperation, held on December 6 in Ashgabat, the parties discussed the possibilities of supplying Turkmen natural gas to the Turkish market, reports the State News Agency of Turkmenistan.

During the meeting, participants got acquainted with the economic situation of the two countries, regional and multilateral issues, as well as the implementation of measures provided for by the Work Plan of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Turkish Commission on Economic Cooperation, adopted on the basis of the Protocol of the sixth meeting.

Particular attention was paid to cooperation in the energy sector. In particular, the parties discussed in detail the prospects for supplies of Turkmen gas to Türkiye. In this context, the relevance of the project for gas supplies from Turkmenistan to Türkiye through the territory of Iran was emphasized.

As it is known, the natural resource base of the Turkmen state, the most important part of which is the Galkynyş field, makes it possible to fully provide the interested countries and regions with energy resources.

Along with this, the gas transportation infrastructure created in recent years by the Turkmen side provides Turkmenistan with ample opportunities to export its natural gas in large volumes to the west.

Based on this, the parties noted the high prospects of this project and agreed to begin negotiations in the near future at the level of heads of relevant departments and companies.

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