Personal pensions for special merits have been introduced in Turkmenistan


Turkmenistan has adopted changes to the procedure for assigning and paying pensions, providing for the introduction of personal pensions for special services to the country.

The corresponding Order signed by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Turkmenistan was published on the legal information portal of the Ministry of Adalat.

In accordance with the amendments, the size of the personal pension will be 20 units of the basic pension amount, that is, as of 2023, it will be equal to 9 thousand manats.

A personal pension will be assigned for many years of conscientious work and particularly significant contribution to the development of the state to holders of the title Hero of Turkmenistan or persons awarded several other high state awards upon reaching retirement age.

To assign a pension, it is necessary to submit an application to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Turkmenistan, attaching documents confirming the presence of high state awards. The decision to assign a pension will be made by a special commission under the President of Turkmenistan.

The pension will be financed from the State Budget and paid through the Pension Fund of Turkmenistan.

You can learn more about the amendments to the procedure for assigning and paying pensions on the website of the Ministry of Adalat of Turkmenistan.

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