The President of Turkmenistan ordered to accelerate the pace of cotton harvesting and approved the composition of the state commission on land issues, the foreign ministers of Turkmenistan and Russia held a telephone conversation, a concert by People's Ar



1. President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting on agricultural issues. The regional leaders reported to the head of the Turkmen state on the progress of cotton and grain harvesting and the preparation of fields for the next season. It was noted that the harvested crop is currently being processed and payments are being made to producers for the delivered products. The head of state ordered to accelerate the pace of cotton harvesting and complete all seasonal field work on time.

2. President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution, approving the composition of the State Commission on Land Issues. The document was signed for the purpose of rational and efficient use of the country’s land resources, as well as regulation of land relations.

3. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov discussed by telephone the current areas of Turkmen-Russian cooperation. During the telephone conversation, the ministers also exchanged views on regional issues of mutual interest.

4. People's Artist of Turkmenistan Zuleyha Kakayeva will perform a concert on November 24 at the “Watan” cinema and concert center. The singer will perform her already favorite songs, as well as new ones. The concert starts at 18:00.


5. A British biotech company has announced plans to recreate the woolly mammoth. To do this, scientists intend to cross the DNA of ancient animals found in permafrost with the DNA of Asian elephants. The first baby mammoth may be born as early as 2028. To do this, the researchers plan to transplant a sufficiently developed mammoth embryo into the body of a surrogate elephant.

6. British animation studio Aardman, which created such famous cartoons as “Chicken Run”, “Wallace and Gromit” and “Shaun the Sheep”, is facing a shortage of plasticine. The only supplier of plasticine for the studio was the Newplast company, located in the English town of Torquay. At present time, the production of plasticine at the enterprise has been completely stopped. Aardman animators have already used all the remaining clay to create the new “Wallace and Gromit”, which will be released in 2024.


7. The 14th World Kurash Wrestling Championship will be held from November 23 to 28 this year in the capital of Turkmenistan at the martial arts sports complex of the Olympic village. Tickets for this grand event are already on sale. You can purchase them at the box office of the Olympic village, the “Berkarar” and “Ashgabat” shopping and entertainment centers. Ticket price – 25 manats. It should be noted that the World Championship program will open with a ceremony that will be on November 25. Competitions between athletes will be on November 27 and 28.

8. A mini-basketball festival for children under 12 years old has started in Ashgabat. Teams from Ashgabat and all velayats of the country take part in the sports festival. For many festival participants, this is their first competition as athletes.

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