
Rowachpack polypropylene products meet international standards


Rowachlan Galkynysh, one of the leading enterprises in Turkmenistan for the production of polypropylene bags under the Rowachpack brand, produces products exclusively from primary raw materials.

Woven bags and big bags, capacity from 20 kg. up to 3 tons are deservedly popular among foreign partners.

One of the most common materials for the production of white Rowachpack woven bags intended for storing bulk products is polypropylene threads. They are purchased by the enterprise at the Turkmenbashy oil processing complex.

Polypropylene bags have practically no shelf life, they are not afraid of rodents and insects, they are environmentally friendly, waterproof, lightweight and durable, at the same time they have a fairly low cost and are always in demand in a wide variety of areas.

The highest quality and most durable polypropylene bags are white, which are made only from primary raw materials. For greater strength and whiteness of the fabric, calcium carbonate is initially added to the polypropylene granules. White bags are also divided into laminated and polyethylene lined. The former protect the substances contained in them from penetrating outside, the latter protect the contents from moisture and dirt.

The bags are made on a special circular loom. The resulting product is a long seamless “sleeve”, which is then divided into fragments using a thermal knife. In the sewing workshop, bags of various sizes are sewn from the resulting fragments. The finished bags can be printed with company logos or information about the cargo they contain.

In addition, big bags are made from polypropylene fiber - soft containers for packaging bulk cargo. Their difference from ordinary polypropylene bags is their capacity (from 20 kg to 3 tons), as well as the presence of special “handles” - loading slings and an upper or lower hatch for loading goods.

LohiaCorp's latest technologies are used in the production of woven bags in rolls. With a fabric width of 56±1 cm, their density can be: 58=3 g m2, 65=3 g m2, 75=3 g m2, 48=3 g m2, 64=3 g m2. Also, with a fabric width of 50±l, the density of the bags is 58=3 g/m2.

You can order products from IE Rowachlan Galkynysh by calling: (+993 62) 60 68 80, (+993 64) 97 14 78 and (+993 12) 29 39 33. Email

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