
The role of Turkmenistan in global energy will increase significantly, experts say


In the coming years, the role of Turkmenistan in the global energy system will increase significantly. This opinion was expressed by experts at the plenary session of the International Conference “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan - 2023” (OGT-2023), reports a Turkmenportal correspondent.

“It is well known that Turkmenistan is a major player in the Asian energy market and ranks fourth in the world in terms of natural gas reserves. Looking to the future, we believe that Turkmen gas reserves will be in great demand in the coming decade”, - said Baker Hughes Vice President for the Caspian Region Elena Akoltseva.

This scenario is due to a number of factors. These include a growing global population that consumes more and more energy resources, as well as the desire of many countries to reduce the use of coal in favor of more environmentally friendly gas.

“Oil and natural gas production will be necessary for a long time. According to the International Energy Agency, right now the world is producing just over 104 million barrels of oil per day. By 2040, this number will increase by about 15% and will be about 120 million barrels”, - said Medhat M. Kamal, president of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, during OGT-2023.

Thus, thanks to its colossal reserves of natural gas, Turkmenistan has every opportunity to become one of the key suppliers of energy resources to the world market in the coming decades, leading energy industry experts said at an international conference in Ashgabat.

To meet growing demand, Turkmenistan is actively modernizing its gas production and transport infrastructure. Large-scale projects for the construction of new export gas pipelines are being implemented. This will permit increasing gas supplies to China, India and other countries.

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