
An international conference dedicated to the legacy of Abu Ali ibn Sina will be held in Turkmenistan


Turkmenistan is preparing to hold an international scientific conference “The Heritage of Universal Significance of the Outstanding Philosopher and Doctor of the East Abu Ali Ibn Sina,” organized by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry together with the Ministry of Education and the Academy of Sciences.

Deputy Prime Minister Nurmuhammet Amannepesov reported this at a Government meeting on Friday.

The forum, dedicated to the Day of Healthcare and Medical Industry Workers, is expected to take place on October 11 in a hybrid format.

Along with domestic specialists, scientists, professors and teachers from a number of foreign countries will take part in it.

This scientific conference will be of great importance in strengthening international scientific cooperation, as well as in popularizing the multifaceted rich heritage of Abu Ali ibn Sina.

Forum participants will join the events planned within the framework of the annually held international exhibition and scientific conference “Healthcare, education and sports in the era of the Renaissance of a new era of a powerful state.”

After listening to the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of the valuable scientific heritage of the outstanding thinker of the East, as well as his advice, which is widely used in modern medicine.

Noting the special importance of such events for expanding the established fruitful international cooperation, the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to take all measures to hold the upcoming forum at a high organizational level, the Watan information program of Turkmen television reported.

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