Oleg Kononenko will once again go to explore space, Turkmenistan celebrates the Day of Knowledge and Students, the weightlifting team of Turkmenistan is preparing for the World Championship and other news



1. The commander of the expedition ISS-70/71 Hero of Turkmenistan Oleg Kononenko will soon go to the Baikonur cosmodrome to complete pre-launch preparations. On the eve of their departure into space, the cosmonauts were traditionally seen off by relatives and friends. Expedition ISS-70/71 promises to be eventful. According to Oleg Kononenko, more than 60 scientific experiments are planned, including 7 new ones. 4 spacewalks are expected. In the coming days, the crews of the ISS-70/71 will be trained directly at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The launch of the “Soyuz MS-24” manned spacecraft is scheduled for September 15.

2. Today, Turkmenistan is solemnly celebrating the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, on the occasion of which the first bell sounded in all educational institutions of the country, announcing the beginning of a new academic year. According to the established tradition, the first school day for pupils and students began with a flower-laying ceremony at the Monument of Independence and the monument to Berdimuhamed Annayev, installed in secondary school No. 27 of the village of Yzgant, Geokdepe etrap, Ahal velayat. The first lesson in all educational institutions was held under the motto of this year – “The Year of Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”. On behalf of Hero-Arkadag and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, first-graders were presented with personal computers-laptops developed by Aýdyn Gijeler specialists.

3. Exhibits from two museums of Turkmenistan will be presented at the “Silk Road” EXPO exhibition, which will be held from September 6 to 7 in Dunhuang. In particular, rarities from the State Museum of the State Cultural Center and the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan will go to the exhibition.

4. The Agency “Turkmenawtoulaglary” has published route schemes for the first electric buses in Turkmenistan. These electric buses manufactured by the Chinese company Yutong will operate in the city of Arkadag. Three routes have been installed - No. 1, 2 and 3. It is worth noting that Yutong's electric buses have zero emissions. This is an important step for Turkmenistan on the path to more environmentally friendly transport solutions. You can learn more about route schemes on the Turkmenportal website.

5. Today, the next month “Road safety is the peace of our life” has started in Turkmenistan, which will last until September 30 of this year. This action has been held in Turkmenistan since 2013. Within the framework of the month, various events are held aimed at raising citizens' awareness of the rules of the road, promoting a culture of driving and safe behavior on the roads.


6. The first successful kidney transplant operation was held in a Bishkek clinic. In Kyrgyzstan, this procedure is carried out by Turkish doctors. More than a hundred specialists from Türkiye will train local surgeons in all the subtleties of this complex operation for two years. The hospital is equipped with the most modern equipment, and the cost of a kidney transplant is 10 thousand dollars. Previously, such an operation in foreign clinics cost Kyrgyzstanis five times more.

7. The world is concerned about the dumping of the first batch of water purified from radioactive substances from the “Fukushima-1” nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean that began last week in Japan. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida tasted products from Fukushima Prefecture during a meeting with ministers, thus demonstrating their safety. It is specified that the head of government tried sashimi from flounder, sea bass, octopus, as well as rice, meat and fruits grown in the region. At the same time, Kishida assured that his government will continue to do everything possible to support the fishing industry in Japan.


8. On September 4, the 88th World Weightlifting Championship starts in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. More than 700 athletes from 117 countries will take part in the competition, which will last until September 17. This world championship is one of the qualifying tournaments for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. It is at the World Championships in Riyadh that Turkmen weightlifters will be able to score qualifying points and win tickets to the Games. The national team of Turkmenistan for the World Championships in Riyadh included 15 athletes, including the silver medalist of the Tokyo Olympics Polina Guryeva and the 2018 world champion Yulduz Jumabayeva. The coaches and leadership of the National Weightlifting Federation of Turkmenistan have high hopes for their athletes at the upcoming World Championships in Saudi Arabia.

9. The International Football Federation (FIFA) has presented an updated ranking of women's national teams. For the first time in history, Sweden topped the rankings, followed by the winner of the 2023 Women's World Cup - the Spanish team, in third place is the US team. The national team of Turkmenistan, headed by Kamil Mingazov, moved up one position and now occupies 136th place, being between the national teams of Gabon and Lebanon.

10. The traditional draw for the Champions League group stage was held in Monaco. This season, the final of the tournament will take place on June 1 in London at “Wembley” stadium. The participating teams of the upcoming Champions League have recognized their opponents. Group F stands out in particular, where “PSG”, “Borussia” Dortmund, “Milan” and “Newcastle” will face each other. The group stage of the tournament starts on September 19-20, the playoff matches will begin in February 2024.

11. After the draw in Monaco, the main headliners of the past European season were named. “Manchester City's” Norwegian striker Erling Haaland received the Best Player Award, while Josep Guardiola of Spain was named the Best Coach.

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