
SE “Nebitmash” - high-quality and professional maintenance of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment


The state enterprise “Nebitmash” of the Ministry of Industry and Building Materials of Turkmenistan, along with the release of technological products for the main industries of the country, accepts orders for the installation and repair of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.

The range of services includes:

  • installation and repair of air conditioning systems;
  • installation and repair of refrigeration equipment;
  • maintenance of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.

These works of any complexity are carried out by specialists of the State Enterprise “Nebitmash” both at civil facilities (apartment, cottage, office) and at industrial ones.

For high-quality and timely provision of services, the work of mobile teams is organized.

“The company employs highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in this field. We provide a guarantee for all work performed”, - says a representative of the SE “Nebitmash”.

Address SE “Nebitmash”: Ashgabat, st. 2008, building 6.

Phones: (+993 65) 69 91 64; (+993 12) 76 02 43; 76 03 69.

Fax: (+993 12) 76 02 25.

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