
Turkmenistan is preparing to introduce personal pensions for special services to the country


Turkmenistan is preparing to introduce personal pensions for outstanding services to the country, reports the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper today. Deputy Prime Minister for Economics Hojamyrat Geldimyradov spoke about the work done in this area at a government videoconference on Friday.

He especially noted the drafts of two documents: “The procedure for assigning personal pensions for special services to Turkmenistan” and “On the composition of the commission for assigning personal pensions for special services to Turkmenistan”. These documents are developed in accordance with the code on social protection of the population.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, after listening to the report, stressed that the principle of Turkmenistan's social policy is “The state is for people”. The head of state stressed special attention to bringing the normative acts regulating social relations in line with modern realities of the time.

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