Participants of the international conference discussed advanced solutions in the management of the city of Arkadag


"The city of Arkadag is a city of smart and green technologies." An international conference with this name was held today in the city of Arkadag. The event, organized as part of the grand opening of the first stage of the construction of the "smart city" by the hyakimlik of the city of Arkadag and the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, was held at the conference hall of the library named after Dovletmammet Azadi both in the traditional format and online thanks to the Office communications of the new city, the information program "Watan" of the Turkmen television reported.

The international forum brought together heads of agencies of the domestic transport and communications complex, foreign manufacturers of high-tech equipment, developers of advanced technologies and services, major international telecom and software operators, representatives of international organizations and structures.

At the plenary session “Smart and Green Cities as a Key to Sustainable and Efficient Development of Urban Infrastructure”, issues of creating stable, viable cities and an urban environment conducive to comfortable life, promoting economic growth, and ensuring the well-being of present and future generations were discussed.

The new city, located in the picturesque foothills of the Kopetdag, is an exemplary example of a "smart" city, in whose life digital, information and communication and "green" technologies are integrated. Such an important aspect as ecology is given special attention here. Therefore, in order to preserve the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape, green technologies were widely used during its construction.

The city of Arkadag, named in honor of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and where the construction of the second phase of its construction began, includes a modern residential complex and a number of social facilities. In this context, the self-sufficiency of the organization of urban space based on digital technologies and intellectual systems was noted in order to provide the population with all the opportunities for a comfortable life, fruitful work and study, good rest, sports, and creativity.

Touching upon the topic of road transport infrastructure, the speakers noted its compliance with international standards, focusing on the modern lighting, video surveillance and control systems available here. In particular, the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) uses innovative developments in the modeling of transport systems and the regulation of traffic flows. The main function of ITS is the introduction of "smart" roads equipped with intelligent technologies.

The concept of "smart cities" is based on the integration of advanced information and communication technologies and the Internet of things, through which a single ecosystem is created that provides management of urban structures and services, improving the quality of life of the population. This concept includes a number of forming elements, such as "smart" houses, a data center - a single database, as well as a universal city application that allows residents to pay bills, receive various information, etc.

As the guests noted, the opening of the city of Arkadag, which can rightly be called the city of the future, will go down in the annals of the modern history of Turkmenistan as a real example of the unprecedented economic, scientific and technological development of the country, the industriousness and talent of the Turkmen people.

The forum delegates expressed a common opinion that Turkmenistan is ready for the most active and active participation in multilateral cooperation on all topical issues on the global agenda, primarily in the area of promoting effective digital and "green" solutions.

The participants of the international conference expressed their conviction that the city of Arkadag would become not only a convenient and comfortable place for people to live, but also a center for the development of science and technology, education, sports, broad international business partnerships, and the creative potential of youth.

In the afternoon, a session was held on the theme “Technologies and solutions for smart and green cities”, which also took place in a mixed format.

During the meetings, issues such as the help and impact of "smart" technologies on the daily life of citizens, sustainable architecture and urban planning, the integration of renewable energy sources, "smart" mobility and transport, cybersecurity, etc. were discussed.

In addition, reports of foreign experts on new directions in the development of information and communication technologies were heard.

An exchange of views took place on important issues of digital and green transformation for sustainable development.

The speakers touched upon such issues as artificial intelligence, "green" logistics, "smart" parking, innovative services, etc. In this regard, the importance of studying foreign experience, enhancing international scientific exchange, technologies into production.

Within the framework of the conference, two Memorandums of Cooperation were signed between the Türkmenaragatnaşyk (Turkmensvyaz) Agency of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and NEC

Communication and Information Technologies Ltd. and Delta Telecom.

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