Artificial intelligence helped to record the last song of The Beatles


Paul McCartney, co-founder of the British rock band The Beatles, announced the release of the band's latest single, recorded using artificial intelligence technology, AiF-Moscow reports, citing an interview given by the musician to the BBC radio station.

McCartney, did not specify what kind of song in question. However, as the authors of the publication believe, we can talk about the composition Now and Then (“Sometimes”), recorded by John Lennon in 1978.

Nearly 15 years after Lennon's death, his widow Yoko Ono gave McCartney cassettes of the musician's rough recordings labeled "For Paul". Among them were the compositions Free as a Bird ("Free as a bird") and Real Love ("True love"). The singles were released in 1995.

At the same time, the band members tried to record a studio version of Now and Then, but faced a number of difficulties, since it was an unfinished work, and the quality of the recording was rather poor.

According to McCartney, the musicians managed to extract Lennon's voice from a small piece on the cassette using artificial intelligence, after which the recording could already be mixed, as usual, the source notes.

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