
Turkmenistan celebrates World Bicycle Day


Turkmenistan, like the entire world community, is celebrating World Bicycle Day today.

This significant date was established in 2018 by the Resolution of the UN General Assembly on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

It has already become a good tradition to hold bike rides in the country.

As is known, on March 15 last year, at the 61st plenary meeting of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, at the proposal of Turkmenistan, with full consensus, the Resolution “Integration of mass cycling into public transport systems to achieve sustainable development” was adopted. Its co-authors were 62 states of the planet.

The good tradition of holding mass bike rides in the country unites thousands of Turkmen citizens, as well as foreign diplomats and businessmen working in the country, and thanks to its international status, peoples and states. Mass races organized by the diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan are attended by Turkmen and foreign diplomats, heads of public and sports organizations, representatives of the Turkmen diasporas, youth, including students from Turkmenistan studying in these countries, as well as representatives of the media of these states.

As Batyr Kurbangulyev, Dean of the Faculty of Restorative and Sports Medicine of the State Medical University named after Myrat Garryev, notes on the pages of the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper, cycling has long ceased to be one of the means of transportation, now it is also a lot of sports disciplines, a very popular type of training , as well as a common type of tourism and just a good opportunity to improve your health and keep fit.

Rhythmic pedaling stimulates cerebral circulation, which serves as a good workout for the vestibular apparatus and improves concentration. In addition, cycling can relieve stress, get rid of excess calories and much more.

In general, all these factors have a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being, his physical, psychological and emotional state, creating an ideal balance of positive mood and maximum benefits for the body. In addition, cycling and cycling can be done with the whole family, as well as in a friendly company.

The mass use of bicycles can become one of the easiest ways to improve the ecological situation in cities, create a comfortable environment for human life and is a visible fact of state concern for the health of society, clean air and a significant improvement in environmental ecology.

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