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Apple conquers the Asian smartphone market

Apple conquers the Asian smartphone market

Apple took second place in terms of smartphone market share in Asia, beating the Chinese brand Xiaomi, writes “Habr” with reference to the StatCounter portal. Samsung tops the list.

Thus, the top five smartphone sales leaders in Asian markets for February look like this:

  • 1 place Samsung — 22,25%;
  • 2 place Apple – 17,15%;
  • 3 place Xiaomi – 16,19%;
  • 4 place Oppo – 10,82%;
  • 5 place Vivo – 9,76%.

Experts attribute Apple's growing popularity in Asia to the company's expansion into Asian markets and discounts on its products for Vietnamese and Malaysian students. Thus, Apple began to force out the local leader Huawei from the market, not to mention Oppo and Vivo, which did not release any new products for the global market this year.

In accordance with the ratings compiled by StatCounter, Apple in the countries of North America, Europe and Australia with Oceania occupies the first positions in market shares. In less prosperous regions - Africa and South America, Apple's share of the smartphone market is third, behind Samsung and Huawei.

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