
On the borders of Turkmenistan, a “green corridor” is established for vehicles with TIR carnets

On the borders of Turkmenistan, a “green corridor” is established for vehicles with TIR carnets

A “Green corridor” was established at the border of Turkmenistan for cargo vehicles that move goods using the TIR carnet, reports the official website of the State Customs Service.

This means that in such case, vehicles pass through customs clearance on a priority basis.

In 2022, within the framework of cooperation between the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan, UNCTAD, IRU and the Turkmen Association of International Road Carriers, the TIR-EPD system was launched and integrated with the Transit Module of the “ASYCUDA World”. Furthermore, at border crossings “Green channel” has been introduced for vehicles performing international transportation of goods under cover of TIR Carnets.

\With the introduction of the practice of “green corridors”, the movement across the customs border oа the country and customs clearance of vehicles performing international transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets are carried out on a priority basis.

It is expected that such step will contribute to increasing the speed of international freight traffic, and thus will increase the attractiveness of transport corridors passing through Turkmenistan and, in general, the importance of the country in the regional and international logistics supply chain.

The TIR system is the only global transit system. It enables goods to be shipped from a country of origin, through transit countries, to a country of destination in sealed load compartments that are controlled by customs via a multilateral, mutually recognized system. It is the easiest, safest and most reliable way to move goods across multiple international borders, saving time and money for transport operators and customs authorities.

TIR is managed by IRU under a UN mandate.

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