International school of programming for children KIBERone opens recruitment for future IT geniuses


The first international programming school for children KIBERone in Ashgabat invites children and teenagers aged 6 to 16 to take courses on the basics of programming.

Classes are conducted in groups of 10 people. The duration of one lesson is 120 minutes (2 hours). When teaching, the methodology of an individual approach to each student is used.

Classes at KIBERone are conducted by experienced teachers who are also practicing IT professionals. The modules (stages) of learning at the school are built sequentially, so you cannot select a separate module. Every six months, the content of the modules is updated in accordance with the changing current trends in the field of IT education.

At the KIBERone school, students receive the following skills:

  • programming;
  • creation of websites and applications;
  • 3D modeling and game development;
  • work with graphic editors;
  • creation and editing of video and animation;
  • work with artificial intelligence and virtual reality;
  • fundamentals of data analysis.

More than 80% of the time is devoted to practical exercises and only 20% of the time is devoted to theory, which takes place in a playful way.

KIBERone is recognized by the UN and UNESCO as the best project in the world in the field of digital technologies for children and is qualified by Microsoft Corporation. Programming classes will help the child to reveal their potential and develop talent in this area. Knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies are among the most popular in our time and in the future will permit to get a sought-after and highly paid profession.

When paying for tuition, a flexible system of various discounts operates.

You can register your child for KIBERone courses by calling (+993 63) 63 91 92.

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