
The first ever basketball game was held 131 years ago


On December 21, basketball fans around the world celebrate the birthday of this sports game. Exactly 131 years ago, on December 21, 1891, the first basketball game in history was held in the hall of the Christian Youth Association training center in Springfield (Massachusetts, USA).

The game was invented by physical education teacher James Naismith. The rules of the game, which Naismith wrote, consisted of 13 points. Most of them operate to this day. This date is considered the unofficial birthday of basketball.

Before the match, Naismith asked the caretaker to bring two empty boxes so that the students, practicing marksmanship, could throw balls at them. However, not finding the boxes, the watchman brought peach baskets. They were attached on different sides of the balcony at a height of 3 meters. The first game was played by two teams of 9 people.

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world today. It has been included in the program of the Olympic Games since 1936. Regular World Basketball Championships for men have been held since 1950, for women since 1953.

Let us note that the Basketball Federation of Turkmenistan was founded in 1998. It is a member of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), the “Asia” zone, and the National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan.

One of the main activities of the Basketball Federation of Turkmenistan is the development of children's and youth sports. Classes are held in the country for children aged 5-7, 8-10 and 10-12.

The Turkmen Basketball Federation conducts its classes in the Ashgabat Olympic village, at 10 Yyl Abadanchylyk avenue (former Moskovskiy street). Additional information by phone: +99362118237.

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