
XV Forum of creative and scientific intelligentsia of the CIS will be held in Tashkent

XV Forum of creative and scientific intelligentsia of the CIS will be held in Tashkent

From December 12 to 14, Tashkent will host the XV Forum of Creative and Scientific Intelligentsia of the CIS Member States, dedicated to the topic “Humanitarian cooperation - 30 years of experience and development prospects”.

Within the framework of the forum, the IFES exhibition “Faces of the Commonwealth”, the ceremony of presenting the Interstate Prize “Stars of the Commonwealth” and the International Prize “Commonwealth of Debuts” will be organized, according to the website of the CIS Executive Committee.

There will also be panel discussions on the topics “Cultural heritage of the Commonwealth countries”, “Scientific and educational community of the CIS countries”, “The latest cultural code of the CIS: vectors for the development of cooperation”, “Literature of the Commonwealth countries - new integration mechanisms”, “Cooperation of the youth of the Commonwealth countries” and others.

Within the framework of the forum, a joint meeting of the Council for Humanitarian Cooperation and the Board of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS member states will be held. At the end of the forum, a final resolution will be adopted.

The CIS Youth Symphony Orchestra will perform at the forum with a concert.

Forums of creative and scientific intelligentsia, held on an annual basis since 2006, have become the central platforms for dialogue between prominent figures of the scientific and creative elite, representatives of interstate bodies of the CIS, relevant departments of the Commonwealth countries. Traditionally, the forums are held in the capitals of the CIS countries with the participation of the leadership of the host states.

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