Artificial meat will be sold in the US

Artificial meat will be sold in the US

In the United States, artificial meat grown from animal stem cells was permitted to be sold, writes the website

The technology for obtaining such artificial meat is practically the same as the process for obtaining tissues for transplantation. Animal stem cells are taken as the basis, from which muscle fibers are then grown in special bioreactors in a nutrient medium.

Artificial meat is one of the most popular eco-trends of our time. Traditional production leads to increased emissions into the atmosphere and the destruction of forests for growing fodder crops, so work on the artificial production of meat from muscle cells has been going on for quite some time. Currently, there are about 170 companies operating in the world with “meat from a test tube”.

However, a number of scientists argue that permitting the sale of artificial meat is premature. According to them, the effect of such a product, which is based on stem cells, on the human body is not well understood.

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