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The program “Maximum” from Detoxboxtm will help get into the rhythm of proper nutrition


The Detoxboxtm company helps its clients not only to establish a proper nutrition program, but also support in the process of its implementation.

It's no secret that every person sometimes violates the rules of nutrition, but wants to do it without consequences. To do this, Detoxboxtm specialists have developed and are successfully implementing the Maximum program.

The three-day program includes a liquid diet of fresh fruits and vegetables to help detoxify the body and shed some weight.

The daily diet consists of 8 bottles of smoothies from fresh products, the calorie content of which is 800-1000 kcal.

The cost of the “Maximum” program is 450 manats.

The company provides daily delivery of fresh food. Experts advise storing bottles in the refrigerator, as there are no preservatives in their contents.

It is also recommended to use this program no more than once a month and no more than three days, so as not to shock the body. Due to the low-calorie content of food, Detoxboxtm experts also do not recommend intense sports activities during the program. After completing the three-day course, you can move on to a proper nutrition program to maintain weight.

The Detoxboxtm company makes the life of its customers more comfortable, its work is aimed at ensuring that food brings only benefits, health and gives people a good mood and pleasure from the look of their slim and toned body.

In order to become a member of the “Maximum” program and other Detoxboxtm programs, just call: (+993 62) 08 98 88, or follow the link.

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