New Delhi plans to ban fireworks


Fireworks will be banned in the Indian capital New Delhi. As reports, the restriction will be introduced from October 2022 to January 1, 2023. Pyrotechnics will be limited during the winter months as the cold air traps dust, vehicle exhaust and smoke from fields where straw is burned. The introduction of this measure will help reduce air pollution in the metropolis.

As the city's environment minister, Gopal Rai, said on Twitter, “In order to keep people safe from the danger of pollution in Delhi, as in the last year, the production, possession, sale and use of all types of firecrackers are also completely banned this time”. The publication notes that due to the ban on pyrotechnics, the traditional Diwali festival of lights will be held in New Delhi less colorful than usual.

The festival, symbolizing the victory of light over the forces of darkness, will begin on October 24 and will last for five days.

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