
Ussat kömekçi company reminds about the possibility of a free trial garbage removal service


The individual enterprise Ussat kömekçi is the only provider of household garbage removal services in Ashgabat.

As part of their activities, the company's employees carry out daily garbage removal on a contractual basis.

The company reminds you to evaluate the convenience of the service provided, you can always order a free trial service. Within 3 days, an employee of Ussat kömekçi will pick up the garbage at the time agreed with you. At the same time, you will be given 5 new garbage bags as a bonus.

In order to order a free trial garbage removal services, it is enough to call the following numbers: (+993 62) 14 70 12, (+993 61) 28 47 66, (+993 65) 41 53 89.

Or to leave a request for the service in social networks.

We remind that the cost of the full-featured garbage removal service is 50 manats.

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