
Ka-Re visited the Minister of Culture of Dagestan, over 2 million tons of oil were produced in Turkmenistan in 7 months, a new school will be opened in Bayramali on September 1


1. Turkmen pop star Kakajan Rejepov, known under the pseudonym Ka-Re, visited the reception of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Dagestan Zarema Butayeva.

2. For 7 months of 2022, the State Concern Türkmennebit produced about 2 million 123 thousand tons of oil and 2 billion 613 cubic meters of gas from industrially developed wells. At the same time, the planned production plan for this period was fulfilled by 101,1% and 115,3%, respectively.

3. On September 1, a new specialized school with in-depth study of the English language and humanitarian subjects will open in the city of Bayramaly along Konegala street.

4. In the Dashoguz velayat, two new general education schools and one kindergarten are being prepared. A kindergarten will open on Shagadam street, one of the schools will be in the village of Buyanly, gengeshlik “Shohrat” of the etrap named after S.A. Niyazov. The other is in Dashoguz in a new residential area along Shagadam street.

5. In Turkmenistan, the tender for the supply of materials for the construction of a solar power plant in remote and hard-to-reach settlements has been extended until September 20.

6. Turkmenistan has discovered 149 gas and gas condensate fields with reserves of more than 4,97 trillion cubic meters of gas. 139 of which are located on land, and the remaining 10 - on the Caspian shelf. Let us remind that in terms of natural gas reserves, Turkmenistan is among the top four countries of the world along with Russia, Iran and Qatar.

7. Recently, the acceptance of applications for the competition for the best journalistic work – “Caspian without borders” - has ended. 43 representatives from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan participated in it. Together they submitted 113 applications and 162 entries. Most of the works were sent from Russia - 112 works, 38 from Kazakhstan, 9 from Turkmenistan, and 3 from Azerbaijan.

8. The Russian IT company “Yandex” will change its main page after a deal with the social network “Vkontakte”. There will no longer be a news section - this service, along with “Yandex.Zen”, is being sold by the company VK. The deal is expected to close by the end of 2022.

9. In the Bashkir village of Buzdyak, a monument to the belesh pie was erected. A round metal cake weighing 350 kg on a tray and a towel is placed on a base made of metal tubes, symbolizing the Bashkir flute - kurai.

10. “Ahal” striker Didar Durdyev single-handedly led the race of scorers in the 2022 Turkmenistan Football Championship. The 29 years old striker scored in the match of the 5th round of the championship of Turkmenistan against “Kopetdag”. Now he has 5 goals. Durdyev surpassed “Kopetdag” midfielder Begench Akmammedov in this indicator, who scored 4 goals this season.

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