
Nearly 130 companies are represented at the opened exhibition of the construction and industrial complex in Ashgabat


Nearly 130 companies from more than 20 countries are presented at the opened today in Ashgabat International Exhibition “Construction, Industry, Energy of Turkmenistan-2022”. Its organizers are the relevant ministries and departments, as well as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country, internet publication “Turkmenmetbugat” reports.

The opening ceremony of the show was attended by members of the Government, deputies of the Mejlis and the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh, representatives of ministries, departments and public organizations of the country, heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, foreign and domestic entrepreneurs, mass media and many residents of Ashgabat.

“The exhibition “Construction, industry, energy of Turkmenistan – 2022” is a significant international event, promoting effective experience exchange, organizing of fruitful meetings. The review will provide opportunities for a comprehensive review of the achievements of the construction and industrial complex of Turkmenistan, which will be reflected in future specific contracts and projects,” reads the Address of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the participants of the exhibition, which was read by Deputy Prime Minister Charymyrat Purchekov.

Industry expositions telling about the course of modernization and diversification of the construction and industrial sectors of the national economy are located under the arches of the exhibition hall of the CCIT.
In the exhibition hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry there were sectoral expositions showing the progress and diversification made in the construction and industrial sectors of the national economy. The exhibits at stands of state and business organizations of the country and foreign companies fully reflect the success of partnership in carrying out joint projects.

In this regard, products that are necessary for the country and competitive on the world market of building materials are presented at the exhibition by both the “titans” and newcomers in the industrial sector.

The leading partners of our country such as Bouygues Turkmen, General Electric, Gap Inşaat, KSB, Rönesans Endüstri Tesisleri Inşaat Sanaýi we Tijaret, Sumimoto Corporation, CA Interbudmontazh, Altkom Road Construction,

Çalık Enerji”, AO “PO Vozrozhdeniye” and others presented models of construction facilities, innovation advances and technologies, including such areas as water supply and lighting, road construction, the active leisure industry, etc.

The specialized forum, initiated by the President of the country, is timed to coincide with the Day of Workers in the Construction and Industrial complex, which is the first time to be celebrated in our Motherland on August 6.

Various events will be held throughout the country to celebrate this professional holiday, established in honor of the glorious workers of the dynamically developing sectors of the national economy, including awarding ceremonies for the forefront workers.

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