Individual enterprises are strengthening their place in the economy of the Lebap velayat: they account for almost two thirds of the manufactured products.
As reported the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan”, for 6 months of 2022, industrial enterprises of the velayat produced products in the amount of 9 billion 850,9 million manats, of which 6 billion 425,3 million is the share of private producers. Accordingly, products in the amount of 3 billion 425,6 manats were produced at state-owned enterprises.
Similar indicators also affected retail trade, notes the source. For six months, the volume of turnover in the Lebap velayat amounted to 6 billion 623,3 million manats and increased by 10,5% compared to the same period last year.
More than 90% of the total, which is 5 billion 970,6 million manats, belongs to the private sector.
Here, the volume of retail trade increased by 11,5% compared to the same period in 2021.
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