Lebap branch of the Association of Automobile Schools invites to driving courses


Automobile schools of the Lebap velayat invite those who wish to be trained in driving. A professional training program for candidates for drivers of motor vehicles of various categories is offered.

Classes are held in spacious classrooms equipped with the necessary technical resources and materials. Training is conducted in Turkmen and Russian languages. Age category - boys and girls from 18 years old.

For potential clients there are following list of services:

• possibility to pay for education by a bank card
• individual approach
• terms of training from 2 to 3 months
• convenient training time morning/evening
• quality level of training
• highly professional instructors

Required documents for admission to the courses: a copy of the passport and the original, a medical certificate (form № 083), a health certificate from a narcologist and a psychiatrist, three 3x4 photos.

Let us note that there is an official website of the organization awtomekdep.edu.tm, where it is available to register, enter your data (full name, address, phone number) in a special from and submit scanned copies of the above documents.

Address of driving schools in Lebap velayat and their contact details:

• Lebap velayat, Turkmenabat city (branch), Ýalkym street, house 1, phone: (8 00 422) 3 34 12;
• Sayat etrap, Sayat city, Suwçy city, house 1 “A”, phone: (8 00 447) 2 34 24;
• Halach etrap, Halach city, Ersarybaba street, house 22, phone: (+993 65) 23 22 70;
• Kerki etrap, Kerki city, S. Niyazov street, house 98, phone: (+993 63) 53 50 24;
• Dovletli etrap, Dostluk city, Magtymguly street, house 9, phone: (+993 65) 22 05 18;
• Koytendag etrap, Koyentdag city, Ruhnama street, house 20, phone: (+993 61) 78 26 53;
• Deinau etrap, Deinau city, S. Niyazov avenue, house 4, phone: (+993 65) 94 10 29;
• Charjou etrap, Ýasy depe daýhan birleşigi (dayhan association of Yasy depe), Kadyr Ovezova street, house 47 phone: (+993 64) 23 19 63.

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