Experts told about mistakes of drinking water


Following the correct drinking water regime plays an important role for the proper organism functioning. About the mistakes of drinking water writes the edition with a reference to the Eat This, Not That.

First of all, many people underestimate the water content of foods. Thus, about 20 % of daily water intake falls on solid foods, in particular fruits and vegetables.

You may drink more water than you need, that is why, don't force yourself to stuff extra drinks. So, for example, it is worth limiting water at night, as this can interfere with sleep. However, a glass of water in the morning, vice versa, will be very useful.

Also, the edition notes, that it is better not to drink water from the plastic bottles, as microparticles of plastic enter the organism with it.

Another recommendation is not to confuse hunger with thirst. In this regard, if it seems, that you are not satisfied, then it is better to drink water. Experts also recommend to drink water of a comfortable temperature, drink more often if you feel tired, and generally consuming enough water.

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