Scientists have learned how to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease


According to the latest research by specialists from the Washington Hospital Medical Center, people who are in good physical shape are one third less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease, informs mir24 with the reference to the Eurekalert publication.

Scientists collected information on 650 thousand people aged about 60 years, while at the time of the study they did not have Alzheimer's disease.

The study participants, depending on their physical fitness, were divided into five groups. During a nine-year follow-up, the researchers found, that Alzheimer's disease was 33% less common in the most physically fit group, than in the low-trained group.

The authors of the scientific work noted, that "the thesis that it is possible to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by increasing activity is very promising, especially if we bear in mind the fact, that there are currently no adequate methods to prevent or stop the progression of the disease".

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