Turkmenistan plans producing 2,300 tons of silkworm cocoons in 2022


This year, Turkmenistan plans producing 2,300 tons of silkworm cocoons, including 300 tons in the Akhal Region, 50 tons in the Balkan Region, 500 tons in Dashoguz, 1010 tons in Lebap, and 440 tons in Mary.

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has signed the corresponding Resolution obliging the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection and the Administrations of the Regions to ensure the production of silkworms in the specified volumes, the National Television reported.

In view of it, the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection is instructed to conclude general agreements with the Administrations of the Regions for the production of silkworm cocoons, as well as to provide daikhan (peasants) associations and farms, agricultural enterprises, tenants and landowners with the required volume of high-quality silkworm grains.

To recap, in 2021, Turkmen silk growers delivered more than 2,100 tons of cocoons and successfully fulfilled their contractual obligations.

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