The UAE is the first country in the world to switch to a 4,5-day work week


In the UAE, they are switching to a new working week, the duration of which will now be 4,5 days. The reform is expected to enhance competitiveness, improve the balance between work and leisure, while helping to increase leisure time and productivity of Emirati residents. Weekend days will now be Saturday and Sunday, and not Friday and Saturday, as it was before.

The transition to the new timetable in 2022 has begun with government employees and schools. Then the financiers joined them. Over time, the private sector will also switch to the new timetable. International organizations working in the UAE welcome the transition, which will facilitate financial, economic and trade ties with other countries.

The adopted reform means that the UAE has become the first country in the world to switch to a 4,5-day work week, which starts on Monday and ends on Friday at noon, announce the euronews.

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