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188 greenhouse complexes are under construction in Turkmenistan


188 greenhouse complexes are currently under construction in Turkmenistan, which are at various stages of completion of installation and commissioning works. This was reported by the newspaper "Neutral Turkmenistan" with reference to the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (TUIE).

The total area of greenhouses will exceed 1792 ha.

According to the information TUIE at agricultural districts of country works 81 hothouses, which are provided with modern equipment and works on the base of foremost technologies, the automatic operation. 6 modern greenhouses are also included, where the practice of year-round cultivation is used. The total square of working facilities is up to 430 ha.

Individual companies of Turkmenistan breed about 1thousand 580 tons of cucumber, 520 tons of sweet and bitter pepper, 550 tons of lemons, 60 tons of homegrown bananas. Turkmenistan exported 51,314 tons of tomatoes on 56 million USD.

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