Turkmen private enterprises processed 22 thousand tons of waste paper


A number of large private enterprises and individual entrepreneurs are involved in the collection and processing of waste paper in the country, such as the “Toprak” economic society, the “Türkmen pamyk” economic society, Ashgabat businessman Nazarguly Mammetgulyev, Mary waste processor Tachmurad Kakageldyev, Dashoguz toilet paper manufacturers – Tursunbay Begjanov and Yoldash Geldiev, informs "Turkmenistan: Golden Age".

This year, they all together recycled 22 thousand tons of paper waste.

State support contributes to the successful operation of enterprises. On August 1 this year, a new customs duty was introduced on the export of waste paper. This made it possible to more effectively use the potential of enterprises for the production of paper products, taking into account the increase in demand for paper and cardboard containers within the country and a decrease in the cost of production.

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