
The President of Turkmenistan opened a new building of the bank “Turkmenbashi” in Ashgabat


Today in Ashgabat, with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a new building of the administrative office of the State Commercial Bank “Turkmenbashi” was opened. The commissioning of this facility, the construction of which was carried out in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, signed on February 15, 2018, is timed to coincide with a significant event - the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of the Motherland.

According to the State News Agency of Turkmenistan, a new 15-storey bank building, erected by the famous French company Bouygues Batiment International, has risen in the southern part of Ashgabat along Chandybil Avenue, where the business center of the Turkmen capital has been formed in recent years.

To the thunderous applause of the ceremony participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov cuts the symbolic ribbon and walks into the building of the “Turkmenbashi” State Commercial Bank.

The total area of the building is over 17 thousand square meters. On the first and second floors of the office there are operating rooms, a depository, cash desks, a meeting room, a dining room and other premises for various purposes. Numerous services and specialists' offices are also equipped with the necessary equipment. The new building provides all the conditions for ensuring the rules for safe storage of valuables, and, at the same time, uninterrupted customer service.

The building has over 300 workplaces equipped with the latest computer equipment. Specialists can simultaneously receive more than 250 clients, providing them with services at the proper level.

One of the employees, expressing gratitude to the leader of the nation for the conditions created for work, asked for permission to demonstrate the main economic indicators of the bank and the modern service it provides using a digital system.

As noted, the following operations have been carried out here since the beginning of the formation of the “Turkmenbashi” State Commercial Bank: attracting deposits and deposits in national and foreign currencies, managing securities, providing mortgage loans, as well as making money transfers and payments.

As an example of cash and non-cash deposits for citizens of different ages, deposits can be noted: “Pensiýa”, “Ruhubelent nesiller”, “Watan gerçekleri”, “Möhletli”, “Zenan kalby”.

Today, the banking service of the “Turkmenbashi” State Commercial Bank and its 23 branches operate throughout the country and serve more than 600,000 customers, offering them a wide range of services that are convenient for customers, as well as various types of loans, loans for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Guided by state programs for the development of the national economy, in the activities of the above-mentioned bank, the main attention is paid to the financing of projects in such industries as the oil and gas complex, transport, communications, and construction. The main direction of his credit policy is focused on supporting domestic producers and improving the social standard of living of the population.

The bank provides credit support to entrepreneurial projects. Among them are the greenhouse complex of the ES “Ýigit”, the complex of plants for processing wheat of the ES “Mizan”, numerous enterprises for the production of food products. Thanks to the bank's loans, ES “Döwletli – Döwran” established the production of ceramic finishing bricks, and the “Ak çeşme” economic society - carpet production.

Capital investments of the “Turkmenbashi” State Commercial Bank are also used by government agencies, including oil and gas, transport and communication complexes, and other sectoral departments.

Starting in 2009, by opening correspondent accounts in the world's leading banks “Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas”, “Deutsche Bank Frankfurt am Main”, “Turkmenbashi” State Design Bureau has created conditions for the smooth conduct of “export-import” trade transactions in foreign currency.

By joining the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) 13 years ago, the bank provided its customers with the ability to directly make payments in foreign currency.

One of the first SCBT “Turkmenbashi” established the activities of the system of internal money transfers “Ýyldyrym” and the international electronic system “Western Union”.

In accordance with the “Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025” and the “State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025”, the bank is consistently improving its activities.

The head of state inquired in detail about the online services of this bank.

According to the specialist, the introduction of modern technologies has made it possible to significantly improve many banking operations. For example, the introduction of an Internet banking system, which includes a full range of banking services, allows customers to remotely manage their assets, carry out various payment transactions, etc. In online mode, you can apply for a loan, electronically receive information from your bank accounts by preparing electronic orders, make a payment transfer via the Internet. Moreover, you can open new bank cards, send the documents necessary for this operation in electronic format, payment for this service can be made through the bank card “Altyn asyr” online.

The employee demonstrated how customers can pay utility bills online through the bank's website. Having opened the desired page, the client must enter a username and enter the “personal account”. This page presents payments for electricity, drinking water, gas and apartment.

The banking operation for online deposits was also presented in detail, including all its stages.

It was reported that an improved version of the service was created, that is, an “online reception” for remotely receiving electronic applications from citizens wishing to take out a loan, and remotely informing the client about the status of these applications.

As noted, these services of the bank are of great interest to customers, as evidenced by the increase in the number of users of “Internet-banking” and “Mobil-banking”.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having familiarized himself with the work of the latest equipment, noted that today all conditions have been created for the effective operation of financial institutions in the country.

The banks' work should be guided by the implementation of comprehensive programs designed to bring the national economy to higher levels that correspond to its potential.

Focusing on the urgent tasks facing the country's banking sector, the head of state stressed that banks should focus on strengthening the national currency, optimizing monetary circulation, and increasing the effectiveness of credit policy.

The President of Turkmenistan pointed out the importance of a stable internal money turnover in the year of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Motherland and the 140th anniversary of the white marble Ashgabat, and measures for coordinated regulation of the amount of funds should be kept under control.

“It is necessary to carefully pursue the monetary policy and improve the management of financial resources, to ensure and increase the efficiency of the targeted use of loans for the development of the economy,” Berdimuhamedov said.

Emphasizing the need to further improve the bank's work, its digitalization, create favorable conditions for depositors, and the availability of banking services for the people, the leader of the nation gave specific instructions to the relevant leaders.

“Introducing modern methods into domestic banking and financial structures, improving the professionalism of employees, deeply studying the best world experience available in this area and the possibilities of its practical application are important requirements of today,” the head of state stated.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of further developing the national economy, improving and modernizing banking activities through the widespread introduction of a digital system, as well as improving the quality and expanding the range of services provided to customers.

The head of state stressed that the intensive development of the country's banking sector will help bring the level of the economy of Turkmenistan to new frontiers.

In this regard, the leader of the nation noted the importance of further successful implementation of the “State Program for the Development of the Banking System of Turkmenistan for 2011-2030”, designed to ensure the reliability and stability of the development of this sector, taking into account the strengthening market mechanisms of the national economy and the socio-economic transformations carried out in the country.

Among the key tasks facing the institutions of this sector are ensuring the stability of the manat, increasing the volume of non-cash payments, improving banking operations, improving the quality and introducing new types of services, regularly analyzing the state of affairs taking into account the world economy, control over the targeted use of financial resources, increasing the volume of lending to the economy and, first of all, its leading sectors, financing of investment projects within the framework of state and sectoral programs.

The leader of the nation noted that in matters of improving banking, in particular, in determining the most important aspects of the development of lending, as well as in organizing banking activities, it is necessary to take into account the current economic situation and the prospects for state development, using an innovative approach. In this regard, a number of instructions were given to the profile managers.

At the end of the inspection of the new building of the “Turkmenbashi” State Commercial Bank, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left a memorable entry in the Book of Honorary Guests.

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