
Berdimuhamedov was the first to make a contribution to the new Charity Fund


Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov transferred half of his monthly salary to the Charitable Foundation for Assisting Children in Need of Guardianship. This was reported by the “Vatan” news program of the Turkmen television.

As a reminder, on March 29, at a meeting of the Government, the President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution, according to which a Charitable Foundation was established as a legal entity to provide assistance to children in need of guardianship.

On the basis of this document, the corresponding bank accounts in national and foreign currencies were opened on the same day. According to the Resolution of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, this Fund was named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

According to Berdimuhamedov, the new Fund is called upon to provide assistance to children left without parental care in our country and will make it possible to put into practice the principles of our ancestors - to help and provide all kinds of support to those in need.

At the same time, at a meeting of the Government, the head of state announced his intention to be the first to make a contribution from his earnings to this Charitable Fund.

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