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Ashgabat celebrated the 115th anniversary of the birth of Nurmurat Saryhanov


The Turkmen State Institute of Culture recently hosted an online conference dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of the famous Turkmen writer Nurmurat Saryhanov, the ‘Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper reported.

His name is fanned not only with creative glory, but is also rightfully inscribed in the heroic chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. Nurmurat Saryhanov, a native of the Yzgant village of the Geoktepe etrap of the Ahal velayat, went to the front in 1942, and two years later, defending the Motherland, he died near the Dalakeu village of the Novoanensky region of Moldova.

Together with the teachers and students of TGIK, specialists from the network of leading libraries of Ashgabat, Mary and Lebap velayats became participants in the distance literary dialogue.

The guest of honor at the event was the daughter of the famous prose writer Orazjemal Saryhanova with her sons, one of whom was named after his grandfather - Nurmurat. She told about herself, shared interesting stories from her father's life, which she knows about from her mother's stories, and read her own poems addressed to her father.

Recalling the works of Nurmurat Saryhanov, the meeting participants paid special attention to his story “Book” - about respect for the culture of the past, and such a famous work as the story “Shukur Bakhshi”, on the basis of which was shot the film “Competition” by the “Turkmenfilm” studio.

At the end of the meeting, the participants noted that the memory of Nurmurat Saryhanov is kept in their hearts by admirers of his work. His heroic life, so short, but capacious in its fullness, is rightfully a worthy example for present and future generations.

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