
Berdimuhamedov held a meeting on the development of the construction and industrial complex of Turkmenistan


State information agency of Turkmenistan informs that the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov today conducted the working meeting on consideration of the status of construction and industrial complex which was held via digital video communication. 

Several deputies of the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministries, chiefs of corresponding ministries and branch departments took part in the meeting.  

Having announced the agenda, the President of Turkmenistan was the first to call on a direct line the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushshikov, who reported on the measures taken on behalf of the leader of the nation in order to maintain sustainable growth rates in the ministries and sectoral departments of the construction and industrial sector and to successfully address the challenges faced in this direction.

After listening to the report, the head of state emphasized the need to take practical steps to ensure stable development in all areas of the national economic complex.

It is important to keep in the center of constant attention the issues of profitability of enterprises, increasing their productivity, fulfilling the shaped plans to increase the volume of import – substituting and export – oriented products, the leader of the nation emphasized, addressing the Deputy Prime Minister with specific instructions.

The working meeting continued with the report of the Minister of Energy Ch. Purchekov, who reported on the state of affairs in the supervised department and structural divisions, the fulfillment of the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan on the uninterrupted supply of the population and industries with electricity and the expansion of the routes for supplying Turkmen electricity abroad.

Currently, a number of large projects are being implemented in accordance with the “Concept for the Development of the Electricity Industry of Turkmenistan for 2013-2020”.

The construction of the first phase of the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power transmission line, the country's ring power system, a 432 MW gas turbine power plant in the Charjou etrap of the Lebap velayat, as well as the Center for the repair and maintenance of power equipment in the Byzmeyin etrap of Ashgabat city continues at an intensive pace.

According to the Concept for the development of the Turkmen lake region “Altyn asyr” in 2019 – 2025 and the Action Plan for its implementation, a combined wind and solar power plant with a capacity of 10 MW is under construction.

As part of the work outlined in the “Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019 – 2025”, the Ministry is taking measures to transfer the electricity billing system to the digital format.

Summarizing the above, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that the energy industry is one of the key segments of the national economy. The Leader of the nation noted that in order to increase the effectiveness of the work carried out in the industry, the implementation of large-scale projects, in accordance with which powerful power plants are being built and commissioned, should be strictly controlled.

Focusing on the urgent tasks facing this complex, the Head of state ordered to fulfill all plans for the production of electricity, maintenance and efficient operation of subordinate facilities, addressing the minister with specific instructions.

Then the floor was given to the Minister of Construction and Architecture R. Gandymov, who reported on the state of affairs in the supervised structure, the pace of construction of various facilities in Ashgabat and the regions, practical steps taken to meet the deadlines for commissioning the structures and ensure the high quality of construction work.

The head of the department also reported that this year, in honor of the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality in the country, numerous social and cultural facilities have been commissioned.

The paramount importance is attached to the implementation of the National Rural Program, designed to ensure high living standards for people, optimal conditions for their creative work, comfortable life and rest. In accordance with the tasks outlined in this program document, new villages are being raised in all regions, which have become a real embodiment of the motto proclaimed by the President of Turkmenistan: “The state is for the person!”

Having listened to the report, the leader of the nation noted the need for strict adherence to the requirements for construction work. At the same time, in the construction of social facilities, an organic combination of the tradition of national architecture and modern trends should be found.

Special emphasis was placed on the importance of an integrated approach to the architectural embodiment of new buildings, decorative elements. The head of state told that  in this regard innovative methods and ideas should be effectively used and addressed specific instructions to the Minister of Construction and Architecture on the preparation of the project for the 17th stage of the development of the Turkmen capital and acceleration of work on the implementation of the Ashgabat City mega-project.

Then the chairman of the State Concern “Turkmenhimiya” N. Nyyazlyev was invited to a live video link, who reported on the fulfillment of tasks for the further development of the chemical industry.

In accordance with the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country for 2019-2025”, overhaul of underground mines with iodine-bromine waters of the Balkan velayat was carried out.

There was information about the work within the framework of the announced international tender for the construction of plants for the production of iodine, bromine and their products, as well as for the implementation of the project of a complex for the production of import-substituting chemical products – caustic soda, chlorine and chlorine products. Along with this, measures are being taken to increase ore production at the Garlyk potash mining and processing complex.

With a view to sustainable socio-economic development of the country, the successful implementation of the adopted state programs and the fulfillment of the tasks set for the chemical industry, the State Concern “Turkmenhimiya” has built and commissioned new large-scale production facilities producing import-substituting and export-oriented goods.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the chemical industry, which is one of the promising sectors of the national economy with a huge export potential, plays an important role in economic strategy that is under implementation. The dynamic development of this area will be facilitated by the execution of plans outlined in this direction.

The head of state continued that there are all the prerequisites for this, and, first of all, the richest raw materials, noting with satisfaction that in terms of the availability of mineral raw materials for the sulfate and iodine-bromine industries, Turkmenistan occupies one of the leading places in the world.

Noting the importance of maintaining the uninterrupted functioning of chemical complexes, whose products are in high demand, both in the domestic and foreign markets, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed to exercise strict control over the activities of the supervised department, in particular, over the complete raw materials and technical equipment of specialized enterprises.

Then, via direct video link, Minister of Industry and Construction Production S. Berdimuhamedov reported on the ongoing comprehensive work to increase the list of industrial products and ensure their high quality.

Thanks to the opportunities created, the Ministry is taking concrete steps to ensure the uninterrupted supply of its own products to construction sites, as well as to systematically purchase new machinery and equipment.

Along with this, information was sounded about the work carried out by the enterprise “Aydyn gijeler” to develop the domestic electronic industry and the production of import-substituting products in the country. In accordance with the earlier instructions given by the head of Turkmenistan, the above-mentioned Ministry, together with the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, is implementing practical measures to establish the production of various modern electronic equipment that is in high consumer demand.

In this regard, great importance is attached to the study of advanced world experience, the formation of industrial production on a scientific basis, and the creation of joint ventures.

Focusing on the importance of further improving the activities of the Ministry, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov named the further development of industry and construction production, strengthening the material and technical base of the industry through the introduction of innovative technologies among the priorities.

The head of Turkmenistan emphasized that on order to provide the facilities to be built in the country with the necessary building materials, it is necessary to increase the volume of production that must meet international standards and gave relevant instructions to the minister.

In this context, the leader of the nation emphasized the critical importance of creating a national electronics industry and ensuring high quality of the equipment produced.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh.Durdylyev reported on the practical steps taken to successfully implement urban planning policy, accelerate the pace of construction of new cities and villages, social and cultural facilities through the use of advanced technologies.

At present, work is underway to attract investments for the construction of modern production complexes and modernization of existing ones, as well as to strengthen the capacity of enterprises producing import-substituting products and to increase the export potential of the industry. Along with this, digital systems are being actively implemented, production volumes and the range of goods are increasing, and their quality is also improving.

After hearing the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the construction sector plays a decisive role in the implementation of large-scale socio-economic development programs in Turkmenistan. In this regard, huge investments are directed to this sector, and effective measures are being taken to implement the urban planning strategy.

Focusing on the priority tasks set for the complex, the head of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy Prime Minister, based on the results of an analysis of the state of affairs in the industry, to prepare a new program for its development for the coming year. The Leader of  nation ordered that the completion of all planned facilities on time and high quality of the works executed should be strictly controlled.

Then President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed all the participants in the digital video communication workshop, focusing on future work plans.

The leader of the nation emphasized that the construction and industrial complex is aimed at solving strategic socio-economic problems, improving the living standards of the country's population. In this context, first of all, special importance should be attached to its development.

Today, huge capital investments are directed towards achieving the set goals, and the necessary measures are being taken to support the country's enterprises. Having identified the priority tasks facing the complex the head of Turkmenistan stated that  all planned facilities must be commissioned on time.

The state is investing heavily in industry, energy and chemical industries as marked the President of the country. Taking this fact into account, it was instructed to increase the production efficiency and profitability of enterprises. It is necessary to expand the volume of products and goods produced by enterprises of ministries and departments of the complex, the leader of the nation emphasized.

Then the head of state noted the importance of taking appropriate measures for the operation of production enterprises at their full design capacity. Also, appropriate instructions were given to increase the provision of import-substituting products and building materials, to expand the range of new goods produced by the electronics industry.

The emphasis was placed on the need to carry out work to improve the supply of local products to the facilities under construction and planned in accordance with the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country for 2019-2025, the National Rural Program, etc.

The leader of the nation emphasized the importance, guided by international experience, of constant control over the quality of work during the construction of facilities. The head of Turkmenistan also instructed to use the subordinate complexes at full design capacity, to modernize their production lines through reconstruction.

In connection with the situation in the global economy, the list and volumes of production of import-substituting products should be expanded, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued by stressing the importance of finding new markets and ways to sell domestically produced goods.

One of the main tasks, as defined by the head of Turkmenistan, is to increase the supply of the energy and chemical industry with highly qualified personnel in the required specialties.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed Deputy Prime Minister G. Mushshikov and Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdyev to keep under strict control the successful implementation of sectoral programs, as well as issues of improving the activities of subordinate institutions, including banks, the active use of advanced experience and innovative technologies.

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