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An essay competition was held for students of Turkmen universities


Guided by the tasks arising from the “Concept on the Advancement of the Teaching of Foreign Languages in Turkmenistan”, in the year “Turkmenistan – Homeland of Neutrality”, when we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the UN Organization, the results of the English writing competition “Sustainable Development Goals in our Mind and Actions” held at Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages among the students of the higher educational establishments of our country to reveal talents among the students demonstrating their knowledge of the peaceful foreign policy pursued by our state and to deepen their love for our Motherland have been summed up. Presentation speeches by the students who wrote the best essays that summarize great modern developments in their content were listened to at the final meeting. The winners of the velayat universities made their speeches live by teleconference, thus making the competition more lively.

The winners of the competition were presented with diplomas and gifts. The youth’s pride of our Motherland, our Independent, permanently neutral country, which leads to only further development, is reflected in the songs performed in the world languages.

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