UNDP delivers regional online consultations


Ashgabat, 22 October 2020: UNDP conducted a series of regional dialogues convening regional and international PVE stakeholders, focusing on a wide array of pressing issues on violent extremism in the region. These regional dialogues under  “Strengthening  Community  Resilience  and  Regional  Cooperation  for Prevention of Violent Extremism in Central Asia” (PVE) regional project brought together representatives  of national  governments,  local  and  international  civil  society  organizations,  international  development partners, academia and representatives from the UN family to promote knowledge exchange and facilitate networks among PVE practitioners.

The fifth and last regional dialogue under the regional UNDP project aims to build on the successes of the previous regional dialogues and the progress on prevention of violent extremism in Central Asia since the inception of the UNDP Regional Project.

“Youth policy is the most important direction of the social strategy and ideological activity of the state. Issues of spiritual, moral and physical formation of the young generation are always in the focus of attention of the government of the country, noted Begmuhammet Meredov, specialist of the youth organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly.

The Regional Dialogue comprise of a series of thematic online consultations, bringing together regional and international PVE practitioners to understand the recent past and upcoming trends on violent extremism and its prevention, under changing global circumstances, ranging  from  COVID-19  to  the  return  and  reintegration  of  individuals  associated  with  UN-designated terrorist groups.


By  the  beginning  of  2020,  UNDP  had  directly  supported  5739  young  women  and  young  men  from Kazakhstan  (1033),  Kyrgyz  Republic  (3200),  Tajikistan  (1079)  and  Turkmenistan  (427),  through capacity  building  activities  and  mentorship  related  to  business,  professional  orientation  and entrepreneurship, vocational trainings and apprenticeship opportunities, access to financial opportunities to support future business and entrepreneurship,  soft  skills  such  as  critical  thinking,  and  psychosocial  support  and  awareness  raising  activities.

Beyond the youth participants in the projects, UNDP’s interventions continue to support the capacities of law enforcement, correctional authorities, local authorities, social support services, civil society, among other stakeholders to build resilience in communities.

UNDP  continues to play  a key role in Prevention of Violent Extremism efforts globally in close cooperation with the UN Office for Counter Terrorism (UNOCT)  and in partnership with UN agencies, international development partners, national governments, civil society and the private sector .

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