
By 2025, the “Balkan” shipbuilding and repair plant will build 12 vessels


Open joint-stock company "Balkan Shipbuilding and repair plant" is increasing the pace of work, the website "Turkmenistan: The Golden age" reports.

The plant has been operating non-stop since its opening.

Since the launch of the enterprise, 24 ships have been repaired, seven more have been repaired of medium complexity directly at the berth, and 23 floating vehicles have undergone inter-ship repairs.

Currently the plant produces the repair of bulk carriers and oil tankers. It has installed a system for launching and repairing vessels with a capacity of 10 thousand tons and building 4-6 vessels per year. it has created opportunities for the production of oil tankers, offshore platforms, tugs, boats, as well as various types of steel structures, equipment and tools for industrial sectors. In addition, the company has the capacity to process 2000 tons of steel for the repair of 20-30 vessels.

The plant is designed according to the requirements of the IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) standard and occupies a total area of 166 thousand square meters.

The company is equipped with high-tech plasma and combined equipment for cutting steel sheets. There are sections for the Assembly of large-sized blocks, for abrasive cleaning and painting of ship hulls, a robotic system for transporting profiles processed by plasma cutting, as well as turbo machines.

By 2025, in accordance with the seven-year program of socio-economic development of the country, it is planned to build 12 vessels, which was discussed by the management of the international seaport of Turkmenbashi and JSC shipbuilding and repair plant "Balkan" with representatives of the government of the Republic of Tatarstan and top managers of JSC "Ak Bars Shipbuilding Corporation", JSC" Zelenodolsk plant named after a.m. Gorky". During the talks, the parties agreed to intensify partnership in the direction of construction of sea cargo ships.

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