
Fisheries are expanding their activities in Turkmenistan


In Turkmenistan, all velayats are actively working to expand the activities of fish farms, which contributes to increasing the return of "water hectares".

There are more than 40 fish farms in the country that are members of the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper reports.

For example, the products of the open Joint-Stock company "Hazar balyk" have long been known to Turkmen citizens. Now we have started studying the principles of growing expensive varieties of fish, such as sturgeon. In addition, the company has recently started exporting canned sprat. Looking for new ways to increase the catch of "Hazar balyk" in the etrap, Turkmenbashi began to produce exotic, breakthrough for the fishing industry, products-small crustaceans (Artemia Salina) in the amount of 60 tons per year. They are needed as a valuable nutritious food for fish.

Now, implementing the President's program for the development of land around the lake "Altyn Asyr", the first stage of water resources development has begun here: freezers and a refrigerator have been installed, and several fishing artels have appeared.

ES "Toy Zaman", working in Ahal province, in 2019 with the cultivation in large quantities of fry of various species that run in deep lakes in Geoktepe etrap and Kopetdagh, and also in reservoir Gurtly.

Known for its large catches, the Dashoguz IE "Ak durna" reaches high rates due to the rearing of young in large volumes in its pond farms.

Lebap IE "Myradym" in the perspective of the implementation of the Presidential program plans to build a farm in Kerki etrap to produce fish with a volume of 100 tons per year. The construction of a fish processing plant with an annual capacity of 100 tons is also planned in Turkmenabat.

In the Baherden etrap of the Akhal velayat, the ES “Elin balyk” farm will build a trout farm.

Entrepreneurs strive to expand the range of product offerings, apply the latest technologies, master the production of new types of import-substituting and competitive products in demand, thereby solving the problems of food abundance, saturating the domestic market of our country with useful products.

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