
The world's first entirely AI-generated newspaper has been unveiled in Italy


The editorial staff of the Italian daily newspaper Il Foglio has released the world's first newspaper created entirely using artificial intelligence. The experiment is being conducted as part of a study into the impact of AI technologies on modern journalism and the media industry. The four-page issue, which became a supplement to the standard issue of the newspaper, went on sale at newsstands and online on March 18, MIR 24 reports with reference to The Guardian.

According to the editor-in-chief of Il Foglio, artificial intelligence not only prepared all the texts for the issue, but also developed headlines, created quotes and prepared summaries of articles. The editor noted that AI even demonstrated the ability to use irony in its texts.

Journalists played a minimal role in this experiment, limiting themselves to formulating questions for artificial intelligence and analyzing the answers received.

All materials are written in an accessible language and do not contain obvious grammatical errors, although none of the articles contain direct quotes from people.

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