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A conference on the role of women in international cooperation was held in Turkmenistan


A ceremonial conference on the theme "The Role of Turkmen Women in International Cooperation and Promotion of National Values in the World" was held in Turkmenistan.

The event was organized jointly by the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, the Secretariat of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO, the Ministry of Education, the Women's Union of Turkmenistan and the Dovletmamed Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages.

The conference is timed to coincide with an important international event: on March 21, 2024, the UN General Assembly, on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, supported by 86 states, declared 2025 the "International Year of Peace and Trust".

The event was attended online by representatives of UNESCO departments and clubs, schools that are members of UNESCO Associated Schools, as well as students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan.

The conference began with a literary and musical composition based on the poem "Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust". The speakers covered in detail the meaning and tasks of the International Year of Peace and Trust, discussed the principles of peacefulness of the Turkmen people, reflected in the works of national leaders.

The participants of the event expressed gratitude to the country's leadership for its tireless efforts in strengthening peace and international cooperation. The conference ended with the performance of the poem "Long Live Peaceful Life!" in the official languages of the UN.

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