Japanese man saved for 21 years for early retirement


In Japan, a 45-year-old man has achieved early retirement after 21 years of austerity. He shared his story on the social network X, where he suddenly announced he was leaving his job, reports Around the World.

Over two decades, he managed to accumulate 132 million yen (about 86 thousand dollars), which allowed him to refuse further work. However, the path to financial independence was not easy and required significant sacrifices.

Despite a stable and well-paid job with an annual income of about 5 million yen (32 thousand dollars), the man radically changed his lifestyle. He moved into a corporate dorm, gave up appliances, and bought only the cheapest products on sale.

Savings affected all aspects of life: from a diet consisting mainly of rice and vegetables to the refusal of entertainment. The man even found furniture in landfills and did not use heating in winter.

He shared his experience in the book, hoping to inspire others on the path of financial discipline. However, the recent fall in the value of the yen could jeopardize his plans for a comfortable life. If the national currency continues to lose stability, years of austerity may be in vain.

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