The President of Turkmenistan received the new German Ambassador


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a meeting with the new German Ambassador to Turkmenistan, Bernd Heinze.

According to TDH, during the meeting it was emphasized that Germany is one of Turkmenistan’s important partners in Europe. Effective cooperation has been established between the countries in all areas, especially in political-diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian ones.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the positive nature of political and diplomatic relations, emphasizing that Turkmenistan and Germany successfully cooperate both on a bilateral and multilateral basis. Mutual support within major international organizations such as the UN demonstrates the strength of these relationships.

In recent years, cooperation has been successfully developing within the framework of the “Central Asia + Germany” dialogue, facilitating the exchange of views on issues of mutual interest.

Another priority area of bilateral relations is partnership in the trade and economic sphere. Effective interaction was noted in such areas as industry, agriculture, banking and the transport and communications complex.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also emphasized the productivity of cooperation within the framework of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy and noted the contribution of German companies to the development of the economy of Turkmenistan. An example of successful cooperation is long-term Turkmen-German relations in the field of healthcare, including programs for exchanging experience and improving the qualifications of Turkmen doctors.

During the conversation, the importance of further development of cultural and humanitarian ties, which play an important role in strengthening interstate relations and mutual enrichment of cultures, was also noted. In the interests of the two peoples, it is necessary to hold mutual cultural fairs, exchange experiences in museum affairs and develop interaction in the field of education.

Having congratulated Bernd Heinze on the start of his work in Turkmenistan, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed his readiness to provide comprehensive assistance in his work aimed at strengthening interstate dialogue. The diplomat, in turn, assured that he would make every effort to develop friendly relations and intensify Turkmen-German cooperation.

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