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Representatives of Turkmenistan study methods of teaching media literacy


Representatives of Turkmenistan participate in a training of trainers on teaching media and information literacy and fact-checking.

The training started today in Istanbul and will last until July 19.

The training is conducted by experts from the International Journalism Center MediaNet with the support of the US Embassy in Turkmenistan.

The purpose of the training is to prepare professional trainers on the topic of media literacy and fact-checking for further teaching of this topic for people of all ages and professions.

Among the training participants are representatives of the media, SMM specialists, bloggers, psychologists, representatives of public organizations and training centers.

After completing the training, trained trainers are expected to conduct workshops for target audiences.

Participants study topics such as: training methods, training structure, advanced Internet search tools, online tools for checking the authenticity of videos and photos, how to identify photos created by AI and passed off as real and other topics.

During practical exercises, future trainers hone their skills and consolidate their acquired knowledge.

Recently, the topic of media and information literacy has been in the field of activity of UNESCO, which has implemented a number of projects in this direction. One of such UNESCO projects is the textbook “Media and Information Literacy: Teacher Training Program”.

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